BEST BUY : RM 75.00 (HARGA PASARAN : RM 86.00 )
Pasti ramai yang akan tertanya dengan perubahan anda selepas hanya sekotak pengambilan.
Kolagen, Lobata Mirifica, Vitamin C , Astaxanthin, fibres merupakan bahan yang terkandung di dalam LAWA mempunyai manfaat yang amat penting untuk keremajaan kulit anda.
Astaxanthin misalnya mempunyai kehebatan anti oksida
550 kali lebih hebat dari Vitamin E, 40 kali lebih hebat
dari beta karotene.
Buang saja suplemen primrose anda. Tu..... belum cakap sal pentingnya kolagen (5000 mg, bukan 500 mg)membantu mempertahankan keanjalan/tegang kulitHigh Collagen 5000mg + Lobata + Whitening + Vitamin C
'Collagen adalah protein yang paling penting di dalam badan manusia. Ianya membina 75% daripada tisu kulit dan bertindak sebagai pemegang untuk pembentukan struktur badan kita. Apabila umur meningkat 25 tahun, 'Collagen' akan mula berkurangan sebanyak 1.5% setiap tahun dan bila mencecah usia 40 tahun, 'Collagen' dalam badan akan hilang sebanyak 40%. Ketika ini mula kendur dan berkedut.
Penambahan 'Collagen' sebanyak 5000mg adalah disyorkan bagi mengganti semula 'Collagen' dan membia semula sel-sel dan tisu-tisu badan.
Dengan menggunakan LAWA High Collagen 5000mg adalah pilihan yang tepat bagi keanjalan kulit dan kesannya mula dirasai selepas dua minggu penggunaan.
Asas Kecantikan Kulit & Kesihatan Tubuh Badan
# Keanjalan kulit seluruh badan mengurangkan garis halus, kulit kusam, kulit kering, warna kulit tidak sekata dan mengecilkan liang roma.
# Menghaluskan dan mencerahkan kulit
# Membantu mengurangkan kedut dan kendur
# Mencantikkan rambut dan kuku
# Meningkatkan metabolisma dan melegakan stres
Cara Penggunaan/Pegambilan:~
- Campurkan kandungan ke dalam 200ml air suam, kacau dan minum segera. Ambil 1 uncang setiap hari sebelum tidur malam (1 kali sehari, malam sahaja)
Susu Rendah Lemak, Oat, Fructose, Collagen Ikan, Lobata, Astaxanthin, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C dan Perasa Vanilla.
Produk keluaran:
LAWA Bio Health (IPO268310-K)

Soalan-soalan yang sering ditanya :~
1. Jika mengamalkan produk ini, boleh tak makan dengan produk kesihatan yg lain contohnya Jamu, Herbalife, DCL dan sebarang food supplement yang lain?
Tiada masaalah untuk dimakan bersama produk lain kerana High Collagen 5000mg adalah makanan tambahan yang mengandungi protein dan kolagen ikan.
2. Apakah kandungan di dalam produk ini?
Kandungannya adalah dari bahan-bahan halal seperti Kolagen Ikan (5000mg), Lobata, Astanxanthin(Bahan Pemutih), Vitamin C, B Komplek, Fiber Oat, Fructose(gula buah-buahan) & Susu Skim Rendah Lemak serta perisa Lemon.
3. Adakah wanita mengandung/dalam pantang/periods/selepas operation boleh makan produk ini?
Tiada masalah dimakan oleh wanita mengandung, dalam pantang & period.Untuk yang selepas Operation, digalakkan makan setelah pulih (45hari selepas operation) kerana biasanya mereka kena makan banyak ubat-ubatan doktor seperti antibiotik dan sebagainya.
4. Adakah sebarang reaksi/simpton yg berlaku selepas mengambil produk ini?
Seperti pening kepala, sakit perut?
Tiada kesan sampingan, hanya minumlah air lebih sikit kerana protein biasanya panas.
5. Adakah mereka yg berpenyakit spt darah tinggi, kencing manis, jantung, gout, kanser, ketumbuhan boleh mkn produk ini?
Tiada masaalah kepada yang berpenyakit seperti di atas kecuali gout kerana gout biasanya tidak digalakkan dengan lebihan protein.
6. Waktu yg paling sesuai mkn produk ini?
Waktu paling sesuai untuk makan produk ini adalah sebelum tidur (2-3jam selepas makan malam) kerana pada waktu tidur, proses penyerapan amat efektif. Jika lupa makan pada waktu malam, boleh dimakan pagi sebelum sarapan pagi dan kemudian disusuli semula pada waktu malam, tiada pantang.
Why take LAWA HC5000 at night?
The most effective time to take LAWA HC5000mg is immediately prior to going to sleep. During the first phase of our sleep time, the absorption rate takes place more readily when taken on an empty stomach. When the LAWA HC5000 is taken on an empty stomach, it is absorbed quickly, and available to assist the lean muscle with the natural process of burning fats and sugars during the different phases of sleep.
What do I do if I forget to take LAWAHC5000?
If you forget to take the LAWA HC5000 before you go to sleep, be sure you take it in the morning BEFORE you eat or drink anything (other than water). Take the recommended dosage 1 sachet (25 gm pre-packed), drink your water and wait 30-45 minutes before you eat or drink anything else. While this is not as effective as the recommended night dosage, it does keep the collagen in your system. Resume your regular dosage the same night.
How do I know I have an empty stomach?
Three hours is the ideal time to insure you have digested any food or beverage you may have consumed. A light meal may take less time: however, three hours is an accepted time frame for food to be digested.
Can I drink anything during the 3 hours prior to bed time?
It is recommended to only drink waterwith lemon during 3 hours period. While there are no interactions with any beverages, your stomach will not be cinsidered empty, decreasing the effectiveness of your LAWA HC5000.
Will it hurt me if I take LAWA HC5000 without 3 hours after eating?
NO! The LAWA HC5000 will not interact with or result in any negative side effects if you do not have an empty stomach. The LAWA HC5000 will not be as effective if your stomach is not empty because it is not absorted as well.
If I do not wait 3 hours after eating to go to sleep, is it better to skip LAWA HC5000?
NO! It is better to take LAWA HC5000 before you go to sleep to keep it in your system. If you do not take the LAWA HC5000 at night then take it in the morning along with the recommended warm wate. Wait 30-45 minutes before you eat or drink then resume your LAWA HC5000 that same night.
Will LAWA HC5000 hurt me if I drink alcohol?
NO! There are no interactions or side effects with alcohol consumption when taking the LAWA HC5000: however, if you drink any beverage other than warm water during those 3 hours prior to bedtime, you will not absorb the LAWA HC5000 effectively.
How soon can I expect to see results?
Results have shown that most individual begin to feel the different in them within 4-6 weeks. This varies according to the individual, but about 50% off the people see results the first month.
Will LAWA HC5000 react with any of my medications?
NO! Because LAWA HC5000 has no drugs, caffeine or stimulants, it does not interfere with any medication. Keep in mind, anything other than water can keep your stomach from absorbing the LAWA HC5000 as effectively. While the LAWA HC5000 will not interfere with medication, medication taken at bedtime can interfere with the effecttiveness of the LAWA HC5000. DO NOT CHANGE YOUR MEDICATION DOSAGE WITHOUT CONSULTING WITH YOUR PHYSICIAN! If you are taking medications at bedtime than can be taken earlier, please do so for best benefits.
Will LAWA HC5000 keep me awake?
NO! Many our customers find they sleep better and awake easier. Keep in mind, LAWA HC5000 has no sedatives or stimulants. Because collagen protein is utilized by your body in many ways, your systems work better, bringing about an overall wellness.
How long has collagen protein been used for weight loss and wellness?
Collagen protein has been safely used for over 25 years for wellness and weight loss.
Will LAWA HC5000 interfere with any of my medications (birth control, blood pressure, cardiac medications, blood)?
NO! Because LAWA HC5000 has no drugs, caffeine or stimulants, it will not interfere or interact with any medication.
How can LAWA HC5000 helpwith other medical conditions?
Because collagen protein is utilized by our body's systems (circulatory and respiratory), many customers see improvement with related medical problems. Many of our customers have decreased pain related to joint conditions. Keep in mind, results vary from customer to customer with weight/inch loss and even wellness benefits.
If I take LAWA HC5000 more than one time a day, will it make me sick?
NO! There are only 5.8 grams of protein per serving of LAWA HC5000. We do have customers taking the LAWA HC5000 both in the morning and at bedtime, depending on their own individual needs.
Do I have to change my diet?
With LAWA HC5000 you can still enjoy the foods you love while losing weight. Of course, a healthy diet and moderate exercise are always recommended for maximum results on any weight loss plan.
What is the full list of ingredients in LAWA HC5000?
Fish Collage, Lobata, Astaxanthin (Whitening), Vitamin B-Complex, Vitamin C, Fructose, Skimmed Low Milk & Vanilla Flavour.
Will LAWA HC5000 cause any reactions with any health problems I have?
Not at all. If, however, you would like us to fax information to your physician, we'd be more than happy to do so.
Who CANNOT take LAWA HC5000?
WE, howver, do not recommended LAWA HC5000 to babies and children who have not yet reached puberty.
What is the recommended program to start with?
We recommended that everyone start with the 90-days program, simply because one month is not indication of what individuals may continue to do according to their own goals. The collagen must have time to work at supporting body tissue before the changes in your bady are noticed. LAWA HC5000 has an 90% success rate among those who stay with the 90-day initial program.
Susu Rendah Lemak, Oat, Fructose, Collagen Ikan, Lobata, Astaxanthin, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C dan Perasa Vanilla.
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